Associate Chapters are newly formed affiliates of our national organization that have not yet received its charter/chapter status. The members who start this associate chapter are referred to as founding sisters.
Congratulations to our associate chapter in Norman, OK!
University of Oklahoma
Introducing the Founding Sisters of Sigma Lambda Alpha Sorority, Incorporated at the University of Oklahoma:
#1. ACE — Jackii “Lani” Luna
#2. Jerica “Luna” Gonzales
#3. Crystal “Leila” Gomez
#4. Caren “Leilani” Hidalgo
#5 TAIL — Yesenia “Nesrin” VicuñaWe love seeing your passion and dedication, hermanas! Welcome to our sophisticated sisterhood! ❤️💚💛
Congratulations to our associate chapter in Oklahoma City, OK!
Oklahoma City University
Introducing the Founding Sisters of Sigma Lambda Alpha Sorority, Incorporated at Oklahoma City University:
#1. Shakurah “Lara” Maynard
#2. Carolina “Eréndira” GarcíaWe are so happy to welcome you into our sisterhood! Your hard work and dedication shows, hermanas! ❤️💚💛
Congratulations to our associate chapter in Edmond, OK!
The University of Central Oklahoma
Introducing the Founding Sisters of Sigma Lambda Alpha Sorority Incorporated at the University of Central Oklahoma:
#1. ACE — Andrea “Lupus” Osorto
#2. Valeria “Ara” Barrientos
#3. Cynthia “Cisne” Gallardo
#4. Elsa “Lyra” Ruiz
#5. Zara “Nova” Triana
#6 TAIL — Alexis “Vega” Guzman
We are so proud of all their hard work and dedication and excited for these señoritas. We love you hermanas ♥️🌹🦅

Congratulations to our associate chapter in Commerce, TX!
Texas A&M University-Commerce!
Introducing the Founding Sisters of Sigma Lambda Alpha Sorority Incorporated at Texas A&M University-Commerce:
#1. ACE — Yesenia “Kellyna” Binkley
#2. Lauren “Annalyn” Melcher
#3. Ingrid “Fortaleza” Alcocer
#4. TAIL — Jacqueline “Adelita” Tovar YanezCongratulations on all your hard work, sisters! We are so happy to welcome you into our amazing sisterhood! ♥️🌹
Want to bring SLA to your campus? Please visit our Expansion page to find out how you can start an associate chapter.