April 9, 2013


Interested in Sigma Lambda Alpha but don’t have an active chapter on your campus?

We welcome the opportunity to bring Sigma Lambda Alpha Sorority, Incorporated to new colleges or universities where we are currently not established. Our Director of Expansion continually looks for desirable campuses on which to establish new chapters and will work with you in hopes to establish our organization on your campus. Sigma Lambda Alpha encourages members from different backgrounds who can bring an exceptional aspect to our sisterhood, not only to the chapter members, but to the national perception as well. The outstanding women who form our sisterhood, uphold our goals and ideals, as well as, establish and maintain lifelong bonds with one another, our campuses and communities.

Forming an interest group and establishing a colony is the opportunity of a lifetime.  This unique privilege can only be awarded to ladies that share the same vision as our founding mothers: bringing select ladies together to make a difference in their communities. All colleges or universities have different rules and procedures for establishing new Greek lettered organizations. An organization’s success is defined by the proficient and personal development of its members while working towards a common purpose. Founding a chapter is a very satisfying experience that takes time, effort, and drive.

Our expansion process begins with the following:

  • Contact expansion@sigmalambdaalpha.org and express your interest in expanding our sorority to your school.
  • Contact your school’s Fraternity & Sorority Life Office to notify them of your interest to bring a new sorority to campus and obtain a copy of your institution’s expansion policy, student organization requirements, and other applicable policies.
  • Notify our Director of Expansion of what steps need to be completed for official expansion and recognition on your campus.
  • Form a ROSAS interest group on your campus.

If you are interested in becoming a Señorita and wish to expand Sigma Lambda Alpha Sorority, Inc. to your university or you have any questions, please contact our Director of Expansion at expansion@sigmalambdaalpha.org or fill out the form below.  If you are interested in joining one of our established chapters or colonies, please contact our Director of New Membership at newmembership@sigmalambdaalpha.org so that we can connect you with sisters at the campus.

No person shall be denied entry into Sigma Lambda Alpha Sorority, Inc. on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, handicap, marital status or sexual orientation.
